What You Should Know When Waiting for a Towing Service in Winter

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Dealing with a sputtering engine or another car problem can be inconvenient any time of the year, but If your car ceases functioning during the winter, it can be an even more stressful experience. Calling a towing service is just the first thing you need to do after you've gotten your vehicle to the edge of the road; use these pointers to remain safe and prepare yourself for the arrival of the tow truck.

Turn Off Your Engine

If you have a problem that doesn't involve your engine, you may think you're in luck. Because you don't want to become cold, you might think you'll just keep that engine going.

This can be a mistake. The towing company may have been able to give you a window of time in which the truck will get to you, but anything could happen. The truck could pass you by or become delayed itself due to the weather, particularly if it is snowing. Assuming that your gas will hold out could be something you end up regretting. Instead, only run the engine periodically to conserve gas until the towing service gets to you.

Don't Wander

You might remember passing a store some way back or having sees lit homes in the distance. You may imagine that you'll just have your car sit where it is while you venture off to find warmth or food. However, this could be dangerous for you, particularly when snow has started to fall or night has fallen, as it will be more difficult for others to see you. Not only that, but the driver of the tow truck might get to your vehicle before you return, which could cause a delay in your transportation. Instead, just hunker down and be as patient as you can.

Periodically Check Your Tailpipe

Once you've made the decision to remain with your car and have made a plan to let the engine run for a while before you turn it off, you'll be in good shape. The last thing you have to be aware of is your tailpipe. This is of particular importance when you've backed into a snowy bank or when snow is coming down quickly. A blocked tailpipe can cause carbon monoxide problems inside your car, so it is vital that you are periodically taking the time to get out of the car to check on the pipe to be sure it's not covered or blocked by snow or ice.

With the pointers above, you are likely to be able to stay calm and safe before the towing service arrives. Be sure to assemble all your things beforehand so that when the towing service arrives, you are ready to go. 

For more information about towing, talk to a towing company such as Jim's Tow Service.
